Hilarious Wild Turkey Attack

We stumbled upon what we thought was a “friendly” wild turkey but little did we know this encounter would turn out into a hilarious wild turkey attack.  Check out the video yourself to see what happens next…

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Turkeys can be quite assertive when protecting their territory.  As we can see in this video, they are not easily intimidated even by the largest of “predators”.

Until recently, wild turkeys were all but extinct in the province of Quebec due to over hunting over hundreds of years.  These past years, the population has been increasing due in part by turkeys crossing into Canada from the United-States.  I guess they must be scared of what happens to their cousins during Thanksgiving.  🙂

Incredibly, even though they are HUGE and can seem quite “goofy”, if need be, these birds can fly and roost in trees up to a height of over fifty feet.